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Phone : 03-5542-1669
Open : Tue.-Sat. 12:00-19:00 日曜・月曜・祭日 休廊 Closed on Sun., Mon., National Holiday
Koura Bldg. Ⅰ-2B, 1-1-6, Nihombashi Kayabacho, Chuoh-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, JAPAN
phone : +81(0)3 5542 1669 e-mail : info@yuki-sis.com http://yuki-sis.com
The voice of stone 2024 40x60cm Water -based woodcut on Paper 4
Solo Exhibition by Katsutoshi Yuasa
湯浅克俊 個展 「水の月 Water Moon」
会 期
日・月休廊 Closed on Sunday, Monday
2024年6月8日(土)17:00 start Opening Reception
YUKI-SIS では、2024年6月8日(土)~6月22日、湯浅克俊個展 「水の月」 を開催いたします。YUKI-SISでは今回で10回目の個展となります。
YUKI-SIS is pleased to announce Katsutoshi Yuasa's solo exhibition “Water Moon” from June 8 (Sat) to 22 (Sun), 2024, his 10th solo exhibition at YUKI-SIS.
デジタルを使用しながらも彫刻刀での彫りやばれんでの摺りなどアナログな手を介した手法にこだわり、現在は和紙や墨、顔料など材料が持つ特性や文化を積極的に学び制作活動に活かしています。大学院終了後は国内外のアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに参加、様々な場所で作品制作やワークショップを行い、国内外で数多くの個展を開催、美術館での展覧会にも参加。2022年にスイスのベルンにある美術館Museum Fran Gertschで個展を開催、2018年には横浜美術館と名古屋市美術館で開催された「モネ それからの100年」展に招待作家として出品。主な作品の収蔵先として、Cleveland Museum of Art(米国)、Laing Art Gallery(英国)、New York Public Library(米国)、Victoria & Albert Museum(英国)、など。
Born in Tokyo in 1978, Katsutoshi Yuasa graduated from Musashino Art University in 2002 with a BFA in oil painting, and then moved to the UK, where he completed an MA in printmaking at the Royal College of Art (UK) in 2005. While still in university, he began creating works combining photography and woodblock prints. While using digital technology, he is committed to analog hand methods such as engraving with an engraving knife and printing with a baren. He is currently actively learning about the characteristics and culture of materials such as Japanese paper, ink, and pigments, which he applies to his production activities. After completing his graduate studies, he participated in artist-in-residence programs in Japan and abroad, creating artworks and workshops in various locations, holding numerous solo exhibitions in Japan and abroad, and participating in museum exhibitions, including a solo exhibition at Museum Fran Gertsch in Bern, Switzerland, in 2022, and in 2018 He was an invited artist for the exhibition “Monet: 100 Years Since” at the Yokohama Museum of Art and the Nagoya City Art Museum. Major collections include the Cleveland Museum of Art (USA), Laing Art Gallery (UK), New York Public Library (USA), and the Victoria & Albert Museum (UK).
Currently serving as Vice President of the Japan Committee of the International Woodblock Print Association, a non-profit organization, he is also active in introducing Japanese paper, carving knives, and baren to artists around the world through woodblock prints, and supporting the continuation of traditional Japanese tools.
People who are fascinated by the outstanding high technique and overwhelming beauty of his works are spreading widely throughout the world.
陰影礼賛 In Praise of Shadow #1、#2、#3
2024 30.5x45.0cm Paper size 38x53cm ⽔性⽊版画 ⽔性顔料インク、卯立の工芸館 楮紙
Water-based woodcut on paper Water-based ink, Udatsu no Kogeikan Kozo paper
The voice of stoneのCMYK4色の版木
Yuasa's works are based on the traditional Japanese technique of “woodblock prints,” which originated in ukiyoe, a type of woodblock print that spread during the Edo period. In the old days, each process of “drawing, engraving, and printing” was divided into separate jobs, but Yuasa performs all of these processes himself. For the drawing, he uses digital photographs he took himself, and then carves the prints by hand with an engraving knife and prints them by hand using a barrel. In addition to monochrome woodblock prints, he also produces color woodblock print works in 4-color CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) plates.
Breathing of the planet #1-4
2024 Image size 28 x 22cm Paper size 30 x 24cm 油性⽊版画 リトグラフインク、雁⽪紙
Oil-based woodcut on paper Lithography ink, Gampi paper
Breathing of the Planet #4 (close-up image)
[水の月 ― 水を一つの素材として Water Moon - Water as One Material]
The theme of this exhibition, “Water Moon,” was inspired by the opposite meaning of the month of June, which is “Minazuki” in the old-fashioned way of speaking. Also, it seems that Yuasa himself has been associated with places close to “water” (oceans, rivers, and lakes) for the past year or so, and has had the opportunity to think about “water” anew.
Mapping #1, #2
2023 Image size 45x30cm ⽔性⽊版画 墨汁、⼩国和紙雪晒し
Water-based woodcut on paper Sumi ink, Oguni Washi Snowbleached
According to research on the relationship between ink and water conducted by an ink factory in Nara, he learned that the quality of ink differs between hard and soft water, as well as the way colors come out and bleed differently when distilled alcohol is used, and realized how interesting it is to look at and examine water as one material. He has recently been experimenting with paint dissolved in distilled spirits (shochu, vodka, awamori, etc.) in the hopes that this will change the colors in his prints.
Yuasa says he decided to include such technical and cultural aspects (how to interact with water) in the theme of this exhibition.
Almost Immortal Venice #1
2024 Image size 59x91cm Paper size 69x101cm
油性⽊版画 リトグラフインク、版画⽤紙いずみ Oil-based woodcut on paper Lithography ink, Izumi paper
Woodcut prints based on a fictional Venetian landscape created by AI
Another new approach for this exhibition was the use of Venice-like photographs of Italy created by AI as motifs for the works. When you input words that remind you of Venice, such as “Piazza San Marco,” “Ponte di Riccardo,” “Palazzo Ducale,” and “gondola,” the AI can easily present a composite image of an imaginary Venice that does not actually exist (not something created from scratch, but the collective knowledge of countless images on the Internet). The more obvious a tourist attraction is, the more we are attracted to it. The more obvious a sightseeing spot is, the less difference there is between the image that comes to our mind and the synthetic image created by AI, and in a few years, the difference will be close to zero.
One of the reasons Yuasa chose the water city of Venice as the motif for his work is that it is a place where the recent global warming has caused an increase in seawater, which is flowing into the city and causing flooding problems. There is even a letter that states, “If appropriate measures are not taken, Venice and its surrounding lagoons could disappear by 2100“.
Almost Immortal Venice #2
2024 Image size 59x91cm Paper size 69x101cm
油性⽊版画 リトグラフインク、版画⽤紙いずみ Oil-based woodcut on paper Lithography ink, Izumi paper
[Submerged City and Secret Paper]
For this series of works based on Venice, Yuasa uses “water-soluble paper” for the first time for his prints. The company that manufactures Japanese paper shortens the fibers of the paper to make it easier to dissolve when wet, and the paper is originally used as secret paper for confidential documents, lantern floating, and other such things that must not be left behind. Yuasa printed the AI-generated Venetian landscape on this special paper, which does not actually exist, and the way the shape gradually dissolves and disappears seems to express the irony of the “anti-AI” movement.
“I hope that visitors will be able to experience the ever-changing nature of the works during the exhibition.”
The images of “weakness, thinness, and transience” that Yuasa has consciously incorporated into his works are expressed through the physical collapse of paper as “the ultimate in transience.
In this exhibition, through his depictions of water, we will once again be reminded that what has been accumulated over an unimaginably long period and taken for granted is not eternal. Simultaneously, in a contemporary world filled with overflowing information, unprecedented changes, and rapid consumption, where everything feels unstable yet convenient and fleeting, his works highlight the importance of "taking a moment to slowly and carefully observe with our own eyes," sounding an alarm for how we perceive things.
Seventeen new works are scheduled to be unveiled. We must embrace the immense reality expressed by the vast amount of time and effort Yuasa has dedicated to his creations over the past year.
Stony Sleep
2024 Image size 40.5 x 60.5 Paper size 40.5x60.5 cm ⽔性⽊版画 墨汁、汎紙苑、Ballycastleの⽔
Water-based woodcut on paper Sumi ink, Panshion paper, Ballycastle paper
Over the past year, I have traveled to various places such as Minamishimabara, Kawasaki, Odawara, Shimosuwa, Echizen, Hiroshima, Onomichi, Kyoto, Nara, and Ireland, with "water" as the central theme. Water is essential for humans, both biologically and culturally. Although we use it casually every day, I realized that the taste of tea or coffee can change depending on the water used, and the quality of water can alter the color of ink. In this solo exhibition, I will present works that reflect the water landscapes I have seen in different regions, the traditional industries that have thrived alongside water, the history of flood control and water-related disasters, and artworks that consider water as a material from multiple perspectives.
Katsutoshi Yuasa