〒103-0025 東京都中央区日本橋茅場町1-1-6 小浦第一ビル2B >> MAP
Phone : 03-5542-1669
Open : Tue.-Sat. 12:00-19:00 日曜・月曜・祭日 休廊 Closed on Sun., Mon., National Holiday
Koura Bldg. Ⅰ-2B, 1-1-6, Nihombashi Kayabacho, Chuoh-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, JAPAN
phone : +81(0)3 5542 1669 e-mail : info@yuki-sis.com http://yuki-sis.com
Elizabeth LEROY has approached various artistic techniques in workshop since the age of 14. Also sensitive to the "show and live performance" world, she has integrated during her 17th year a theater company and has begun the realization of accessories and elements for the decoration set. The photography quickly stands out as its main artistic medium which she tends to scenography by proposing "double photographic and pictorial readings" such as in her Circumeo exposure at the Opale-Sud's Museum of France in 2004. Nowadays, she is a decorator for the Comédie Française, in Paris.